8 pm

Zuleikha's story is set to music in a contemporary composition that explores the musical phenomenon of ornament. It plays an important role in both Persian and European music. It has often been mistakenly understood as not belonging to the "substance" of music and has therefore hardly been appreciated artistically so far. In fact, it leads to the deep structures of music and is understood here as the DNA of both musical traditions. It reveals common roots and connections even between seemingly distant musical cosmos.
The full-length composition by Arne Sanders (Berlin) and Amen Feizabadi (Tehran) merges Persian and Western musical culture and thus creates spaces for a new musical language, far removed from any exoticism. The musical and vocal cultures are mixed in such a way that the tonal result makes a clear geographical location irrelevant, based on their ornamentation, in Persian music among other things called tahrir. The foreign becomes the own, the own the foreign.
Libretto: Amir Hasan Cheheltan & Michaela Vieser
Komposition: Amen Feizabadi & Arne Sanders with Reza Behboudi (performer)
Claudia van Hasselt & Mahbobeh Golzari (voice), Rouzbeh Motia (Santur), Farhang Moshtagh (Kamantsche), Valentina Bellanova (Ney/Flutes), Adrienn Illés (Clavichord)
Lotte Greschik (direction), Nicolas Wiese (projections), Marianne Heide (costumes), Yalda Yazdani (kuratorium), Johann Günther (recording producer)
artistic direction: FrauVonDa // Claudia van Hasselt & Lotte Greschik
tickets: 17 € / 13 €,
reservations: kartenornament2019.de (16.+17.11.) and info
klangwerkstatt.de(17.11. only)
organizer: FrauVonDa
in cooperation with: Klangwerkstatt, initiative neue Musik e.V. Berlin, Goethe Institut
graphic: Nicolas Wiese