KONTRAKLANG: Gebrüder Teichmann + Robyn Shulkowsky + Frauke Aulbert
8 pm
Konzert | Neue Musik

Robyn Schulkowsky is one of the most renowned representatives of contemporary music. As a percussionist, she has worked with John Cage and Morton Feldman as well as with the most important classical ensembles and figures of avant-garde jazz. The brothers Andi and Hannes Teichmann have their roots in international club culture. This has taught them not only to think in terms of structures and concepts but also to see the connections between different traditions. Their instrumentation is techno, their method is experimental, and their goal is to discover things never heard before. As a trio, the three musicians first worked together in September 2017. Since then, they have intensified their electroacoustic dialogue, which has unleashed a multitude of impulses. The release Time Bends, which they present at KONTRAKLANG, testifies to this development in an impressive way.
Frauke Aulbert is considered one of the most active and versatile singers in new and contemporary music. The focus of her work is on experimental vocal techniques that go far beyond traditional possibilities and cross musical and vocal boundaries. The basis for this is her extraordinary ambitus and the high flexibility of her voice as well as her long intensive involvement with traditional and experimental vocal techniques such as multiphonics, overtone and undertone singing, gugak, dhrupad and beatboxing.
Meredith Monk: Insect (1989)
Frauke Aulbert: Voice Lab (2019) for voice, performance and live video
George Crumb: Apparition (1979) Karaoke version
Video Insert - Frauke Aulbert: What it takes to be a hula dancer (2021)
Frauke Aulbert: What it takes to be a hula dancer. The ballad of the coronatrice (2021)
Video Insert - Frauke Aulbert: modern whale singing (2021)
Jennifer Walshe: GLORI (2010)
Video Insert - Frauke Aulbert: My pole dancing avatar (2021)
Frauke Aulbert (arr.): Freakin’ Reggae – Homage to Nina Hagen
Gebrüder Teichmann & Robyn Schulkowsky
Andi Teichmann - electronic
Hannes Teichmann - electronic
Robyn Schulkowsky - percussion
Frauke Aulbert - voice and performance
Tickets: 15€/12€ online via eventbrite
More info: kontraklang.de
Organizer: Kontraklang in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth
Please note our current Corona rules.
Gebrüder Teichmann und Robyn Schulkowsky © Brenda Alamilla