Kulturbüro Elisabeth Berlin
Kultur Raum geben

Echoes of cultural localizations - mit dem ensemble mosaik

Wednesday, 26. October 2022

8 pm

Villa Elisabeth
© Anja Weber

"Echoes of cultural localizations" follows the series "realities, places and displacement of places" by ensemble mosaik. New works by Liza Lim, Anothai Nithibon and Jonas Baes will be presented.

Anothai Nitibhon: Trialogue (2022, UA) für zwei Tänzer, kleines Ensemble und Elektronik
Jonas Baes: virtual implosion (2022, UA) für Flöte, Klarinette, Schlagzeug, Klavier, Violine, Cello, Video und Audio-Zuspiel
Liza Lim: How Forests Think (2016) für Sheng und Ensemble

With ensemble mosaik

Kristjana Helgadottir - flute
Simon Strasser - oboe
Christian Vogel - clarinet
Martin Losert - saxophone
Nathan Plante - trumpet
Matthias Jann - trombone
Roland Neffe - percussion
Ernst Surberg - piano
Sarah Saviet - violin
Karen Lorenz - viola
Mathis Mayr - cello
Matthias Bauer - double bass

Arne Vierck - electronics / sound
Eckehard Güther - video technology

Klakul Agradechanat, Yutthana Agradechanat - dancers
Wu Wei - Sheng
Magnus Loddgard - conductor

Tickets: 12 €/ reduced 8 € plus fees
online via www.elisabeth.berlin/billetto
Restkarten an der Abendkasse. Freie Platzwahl!

Further information on ticket prices can be found here: Service/Tickets

Please note our current Corona rules.

Organizer: ensemble mosaik in cooperation with Kultur Büro Elisabeth
Funded by BKM as part of the Neustart Kultur funding program.

Photo © Anja Weber

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